Our tomorrow... 

Volunteering through Citizen Schools in the Bronx, NY.  This was an experience where we shared our musicianship with a group of 6th graders resulting in the writing and recording of two original pieces of music.  Click on the photo to hear…

Volunteering through Citizen Schools in the Bronx, NY.  This was an experience where we shared our musicianship with a group of 6th graders resulting in the writing and recording of two original pieces of music.  Click on the photo to hear and download their work!

The real mise en place...

Roughly translated this French term means "putting in place".  This parlance used by those within the food and hospitality industry denotes the "prep work".  Any successful culinary enterprises backbone to efficiency lies in the prep work which takes place before a single dish is cooked or assembled.

Any successful development of a community relies on providing the next generation with the skills, resources, and insight to explore their potential and achieve the opportunities they strive for.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  How can we work together to ensure the future is secure?

Please check out these organizations which Break Bread not Hearts either volunteers or works with in a collaborative effort to make a difference in our communities.  Visit their pages for more information.  We all have something we can bring to the table.