Our Motivation...

A peaceful day of peach picking at Mead Orchards in Tivoli, NY.  Pleasantly sharing the harvest with pals from the surrounding apiaries.

A peaceful day of peach picking at Mead Orchards in Tivoli, NY.  Pleasantly sharing the harvest with pals from the surrounding apiaries.

Farm to table and beyond...

With each passing moment more individuals venture outside of the box constructed by commercial agriculture.  The motivations vary from health based aspirations, seeking out treasures at the seasons peak, supporting local economies, and many more.  Farmer's markets, green markets, etc. continue to attract more consumers who truly have an affect on their social landscape through the power of their dollar.

We strongly believe in food being much more than a mass produced item of consumption.  Knowing the group of individuals who toil in the soil year round to guarantee a harvest creates a vibe of the utmost humbleness.  It is easy to take for granted the insecurities and uncertainties of a career within agriculture.  Thus, not only do we strive to support local farms but to also build relationships on a personal level with our growers.  From visiting the farms, staying in contact during the winter and early spring, or simply finding common interests outside of agriculture we continually sow the sentiment of farmers being the root of all communities.

These relationships result in the creation of an atmosphere we strive to fortify.  Therefore, Break Bread Not Hearts is capable of providing nutritional, culinary, and educational resources, catered cuisine of the highest quality and quite simply the connection of love to our surroundings.